Wednesday, May 6, 2015

       Knit Kitchen Towel Holder    Waffle Style

Sugar & Cream Yarn
size 8 double pointed needles
tapestry needle

Cast on 10 stitches
Row 1: Knit all stitches
Row 2: knit all stitches
Row 3: knit 3 do **buttonhole on four stitches  knit 3
Row 4  knit
Row 5  purl
Row 6   K1, P2 ,K1, P2, K1, P2, K1
Row 7  P1, K2, P1, K2, P1, K2, P1

Repeat….  4-7  four more times.

Next row: bind off 6 stitches, k4

With your 4. remaining live stitches, knit an i-cord 4 inches long
Bind off the i-cord  and attached to right side of towel holder by sewing with tapestry needle.

 I have decided that no button is necessary if you just hang and pull the loop through the buttonhole. (might be because I’m lazy!)

Step 1 -- work to where you want buttonhole to begin. Bring yarn to front; slip 1 purl-wise, bring yarn to back.

Step 2 -- Slip 1 purl-wise, pass first slipped stitch over second. (repeat this part 2 more times--passing over 3 stitches total, for a 3-stitch buttonhole) Place last stitch back on left needle. Turn work.

Step 3 -- Cast on 4 stitches (for the 3 stitches you bound off, plus 1) using the cable cast-on method.

Step 4 -- Turn work (so RS is facing). Bring yarn to back; slip first st of left needle onto right needle and pass last CO st over it. …you're done!  Work to end of the row, or to the next buttonhole!

Knitting Tutorial - One Row Buttonhole - YouTube

Goes well with

 Grandmother's Waffle Washcloth